Introductory teaching videos
On this page you can watch introductory videos to familiarize yourself with the teachings.
The awakening of consciousness
Basic teachings - The 5 pillars

Introduction to meditation

Self investigation (atma-vichara)

The awakening of consciousness is a phenomenon that is widespread and books on the subject constantly appear, spiritual events, courses, rituals and many therapies related to soul healing. Members of our family are taking an interest in the countryside, talking about it, asking for and giving advice. Apparently, the world is changing, people are rethinking their attitudes, their habits and conditioning, the laws are changing, as well as the way to relate to nature and to others. Soon after we were born, we were given a self-improvement plan so that we could fit into society, containing what to do, what to think, what to feel. Thus, we were condemned to believe that we were the body, the mind and our external conquests, but all of this was a reflection of ignorance, of the blind leading the blind.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Spiritual awakening is much simpler than any complexity we could think of. It is not to remain in a state of ecstasy or to produce altered states of consciousness, it is simply to wake up from what we are not to remember who we are, something that we knew, but that we forget or do not notice. This is not a transformation, a change or becoming something that we have never been or will be, but that your consciousness has finally lost its mind trance and you understood that it is not your body or your mind with your thoughts, emotions and imaginations, but something prior to all of that.
If this remembering is really genuine, it will not only be seen as something subjective, personal, because it would mean separation, it would be the "ego" that is waking up or becoming enlightened.
We are a family owned and operated business.
However, in the real awakening it is not your identity that is awakening, it is not a new personality, it is not a deed or an action of yours, but the universal consciousness awakening to itself. What we were finally awakens from the mental trance, from all the external search for meaning, for meaning in the external. When you are the meaning, inevitably everything will make sense. But do not think that awakening is the end of everything, it is just the end of trance, of searching, of the seeker, but it is the beginning of a life lived out of your true self, your true nature. Awakening is being who you are, it is living and incorporating the truth of who you are into your daily life.