What is meditation?
Nisargadatta Maharaj speaks, '' The exercise of discrimination between the true and the false, and renouncing the false is meditation. In the beginning, there are many types of meditation, but in the end, they all converge into one ...
To see the false as the false is meditation. It has to happen all the time. '' For me, this is what meditation is all about, there are countless concentration techniques and people confuse this with True meditation.
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True meditation is simply resting on the source of Being. And for that, discrimination is often necessary to recognize the false in order for the Real to shine in consciousness. It is only by mistake that we do not recognize our true Self. This mistake needs to be eliminated as it is the source of all our suffering.
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You can spend your whole life using concentration techniques and become a professional '' meditator '' without even having a glimpse of the real Self. So techniques are just tools and optional, not essential. I do not think that it is necessary to countless reincarnations nor to remain ten years in a lotus position on a paradisiacal mountain in order to recognize Truth and Reality. There is no distance between you and you. Between the Self and the Self. If we are not to find the truth here and now and in us, where else would we find it? The I Am in the present moment and is the Eternal reality. In reality, the I am is the only real experience and that is what we discover in meditation. True meditation is the act of going straight to the source, and for that it is only necessary to rest the consciousness in itself. It is being aware of being aware.
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The mind is restless, but there is nothing more powerful than pure consciousness. In true meditation we begin to regain that '' power '' lost during our life. Pure consciousness is what we are, there is no more time to lose and no paths to follow. Just open your eyes, recognize the unreal for the Real to shine forever.
There are no prerequisites for meditating, we are all perfectly qualified to meditate. As we mature in meditation, we realize that in reality there is no distinction between meditating and not meditating. Meditation becomes life itself, because to meditate is to return to the Real, and if we are always anchored in the Real, there is no time when the Real is not shining. Do not put off your light, your strength, your love and your peace any longer.