What is spirituality?
Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with looking like a spiritual person. You can chant mantras, wear spiritual clothes and go to spiritual retreats and still be doing it in a totally unconscious way. Being spiritual means above all investigating who you are and recognizing your true nature. Nowadays it has become very common for people to acquire a spiritual persona.
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It is very easy to read books, memorize texts and even act like a spiritual person even if you have no idea who you are. The ego is very flexible and will adapt to any environment. Before we went to a party, today we go to the retreat, before we drank alcohol, now we drank tea. Of course, all this changing habits are good and beneficial. If it is to be an ego, better to be a spiritual ego than an ego that is lost in the corners of the city. But even so, living a life in a spiritual way still does not mean that you are living true spirituality.

A person who has awakened to his true nature, recognized his true self, does not care whether he will dress in holy or torn clothing. He doesn't care if he will attend a church, a temple or if he will be in the middle of the chaos of São Paulo. He does not run away and has no self-centered preferences. He simply lives what there is to live, without running away and denying his reality. The most awakening people I know dress in a normal way, without extravagance. If you look at them on the street or talk to them you don't even realize that they really are, "spiritual people".
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If we use spirituality as a way to escape from life, it is just the ego using it as a comfort. It is more of a pseudo-spirituality. Someone who uses spirituality as an escape is no different than the drunk who goes to the bar.
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For this reason, I always emphasize the importance of not being lost so much in how to live life, but recognizing who this Self is who lives life. It does not make sense for us to go in search of answers as we have not yet discovered who this self is who wants to question. Much easier and more straightforward would be to simply go to the source of the question. Who am I? I am, that we all know, but we get lost in our identities, our masks. We have lost ourselves so much that we can no longer recognize the simplicity of our Divine nature.
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Spirituality is an invitation to abandon all that is unreal and to recognize what already exists here and now, the Pure Reality of Being. Spirituality is a beautiful journey, but we have to be careful not to get stuck in the comfort of denial, distractions, desires, fears and flight. To be a spiritual being is to be a complete being, and for that we need to look at everything that we reject to look at all our lives. And the paradox of all this is that we are all already complete, there is no one who is not perfect, there is none other than Pure Consciousness.