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To love, to see, to be.

Orientações para aqueles que estão vivendo o Despertar Espiritual e guiança na Estabilização e Incorporação da Iluminação na Vida diária.

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Sobre Willy Mouna

Willy Mouna is a spiritual teacher and writer, he is the author of three spiritual works; Sacred spiritual practices and You are not who you believe you are and your latest release, Enlightened Relationships.

In recent years, he has lived immersed in his own silence, amid an inevitable, painful and inexplicable rebirth, believing that silence and suffering have always been his greatest incentives to evolve spiritually and discover his true nature.

As time went by, many people were attracted to approach him, asking for spiritual guidance. Willy then spent the last few years giving himself to those who needed his advice and outlook on life, then actually becoming a teacher.

Today he resides in São Paulo and holds Courses, Retreats and Satsangs periodically and also holds individual meetings. He does not follow any specific lineage or religion, however, he uses them when necessary.

Eckhart tolle brasil
"Pra mim o conteúdo que o Willy oferece tem sido muito valioso e importante e me traz muitas respostas, insights e reflexões. 
Um diferencial é que ele nos traz ensinamentos muitas vezes em um contexto mais prático, compartilhando suas experiências pessoais no caminho do autoconhecimento e do despertar, e isso me ajuda a entender melhor a minha própria experiência nesse caminho.
Sou grata por ter chegado até ele e por ter a oportunidade de receber esses ensinamentos." - C.M.N.

Alexa Young, CA

A special invitation

We are a family owned and operated business.

Here is an invitation from someone who has suffered enough in the corners of life and has finally given up fighting the tide. I invite you to realize that you do not need to deny the help of others or your own, because you have a total capacity to overcome everything you want. Overcoming means accepting, and acceptance means the superaçã. When you accept, you are able to exceed any limit. So this is an invitation for you to accept yourself, accept your life as it is, accept the flow of life. As you accept it more and more, you will notice life becoming magical, the nodes unfolding, the problems simplifying, the pain easing, the smiles multiplying, the good people approaching, the opportunities appearing, all because of the simple fact of you allow yourself to be vulnerable and open.
The evolution of humanity has already begun. Today we are experiencing a type of childbirth in which we disconnect from the illusion of being separate and travel towards a totally new world, but in reality it has always existed and had never been recognized: the world of heart, unity and truth. Knowing the truth is not a matter of knowledge, but simply of being. That is the greatest wisdom and the greatest truth: Being.
We are a family owned and operated business.


Willy Mouna.

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